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Re: Another distro

On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 11:37:34AM +0200, Klaas van Gend wrote:
 <snip>announce of CD from another distribution</snip> 

> Lionel, others,
> Why would someone want to create another distro?
> Why would someone want to *use* another distro?
> As far as I can see, anaconda installer, gnome desktop...
> There are already enough of these (e.g. Fedora)...

IMHO it is human thing.

We, humans, have our own partners, parents and childeren.

Leaving it as an execersise to compare it with other life forms.

> Klaas
> (who favours Gentoo, but occasionally uses Mandrake and SuSE)
> (and thinks that's enough... although he just downloaded and tried the 
> aKademy Knoppix)

Nice.  In fact, I don't care.

The same message less harsh and in other words:

  There will always be different ideas, allow others to choose

Geert Stappers

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