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Volgende week: ApacheConf Europe Amsterdam (OpenSource-Apache Licensed)

Beste Enosig leden,

Altijd alles al willen weten van de Open Source organisatie Apache (ASF) en
haar talrijke frameworks? Volgende week is hiervoor de ApacheConf Europe in

De volgende pre-conferentie onderdelen zijn Nederlands geprijsd (gratis) op
de maandag- en dinsdag (23 en 24 maart):
- de Apache Meetups (alleen in de avonduren): over Wicket, Maven, Lucene,
Portal en JackRabbit.
- de ASF unconference (alleen op maandag): een hele dag praten over de groei
van de open source en haar communities via de ASF.
- de Apache Hackathon (op beiden hackdagen): een tweedaagse code fest.
Hierover wil de organisatie nog niet alles vertellen. Huh?

Ikzelf ben alleen present op de Maven en Wicket sessies. Wellicht ook
interesse? ;-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
ps. Hieronder extra uitleg (geplukt van
Apache MeetUps | Evenings of 23-24 March MeetUps are informal sessions on
Apache projects and are organized by the members of the project community
itself. With an open agenda, for which anyone can propose a talk, covering a
wide range of subjects, MeetUps bring together a diverse crowd of
committers, users and people interested in a specific project. Check the*
Wiki <http://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/ApacheMeetupsEu09>* for the current


BarCampApache | 23 March

BarCampApache is an Apache-focused unconference. It will gather people
interested in The ASF and it's various projects to share and learn in a
completely open environment. BarCampApache will be intense with discussions,
demos and interaction from participants packed into an ad-hoc,
participant-driven event.
Hackathon | 23-24 March

Previously closed to the general public, this year the Apache community
welcomes everyone to join in the two-day codefest called Hackathon! If you
are interested and have the desire and skills to code and develop Open
Source software, please consider joining us. The Hackathon will start at
around 10:00, Monday.

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