Hoi, ASCII in Amsterdam organiseert een info avond over software patenten. In tegenstelling tot wat vermeld is in aangehecht bericht, vindt die plaats op _7_ juli. Wiebe: je zou dit kunnen posten op nl-parl. Groeten, Joost
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- Subject: [Ascii-announce] info-evening on software patents
- From: decoy <decoy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 15:28:13 +0200 (CEST)
ASCII announces an info evening for the 30th of June on the subject of: INNOVATION UNDER LOCK AND KEY - SOFTWARE PATENTS AND THEIR PROBLEMS While the institutions of the European Union are still negotiating among themselves about the implementation of software patents, the US is already leading the way towards the next step in restricting the free development, use and distribution of software. Patents in general are often said to be meant for the protection of those who develop innovative solutions in technology or methodology. In reality, however, they often become a mecvhanism for large business interests to curb further development by bying out patent rights and locking them away so as to prevent competitors to develop alternatives or even further innovation without having to pay high tuition fees for the patents in question. Software patents specifically seem to attract such practice. Simple things like web-shops or even the doubleclick (patented by Microsoft in the US) can be restricted in use and further development by patenting them. The tendencies which become apparent here spell danger and vast problems for the whole open-source and free-software development model, and reduce opportunities for small companies and developers to create and distribute new software. The Info Evening shall cover the following topics: - General information on patent legislation - Current trends in the US and EU - Case studies of recently issued patents - Discussion of the dangers for innovation and development Date, time and location: Wednesday 30th of June 20:00 ASCII Kinkerstraat 92 Amsterdam
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