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Re: software patenten [willemsf@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Demonstratie in Den Haag]

Hoi ENOSIGers,

succes met de demonstratie!
Laten we hopen dat ook de nederlandse regeering er nog eens over nadenkt.

In Duitsland hebben we al iets bereikt lijkt het:



Bundesregierung schwenkt auf Linie der Softwarepatentkritiker ein

Englische Übersetzung(just in case):

Wednesday evening Elmar Hucko, ministerial director at the German Ministry
of Justice, announced surprisingly on a demonstration of the FFII, that the
german government will vote against the controversial software patent directive
of the council of the Europan Union. Before, a message was circulating, that
Berlin paved the way for nodding off the councils proposal.

Under loud applause of the approximately 150 demonstrants in front of the
german ministry of justice in Berlin, Hucko puts straight, that "regarding
the contents, we are next to your position."

At the same time, Hucko excoriated the current allocation practice of the
European Patent Office   in the domain of the controversial
"computer-implemented invention". "Not all of these patents
should have been granted", he pointed out.

"In no case we want American conditions in Europe", Hucko explained
with a look to the patent system in the USA. A patent should
stay a "reward for an earnest invention" and must not be abused
to "knock down competition".

Christian Cornelssen of the FFII pointed out possible consequences of
the guideline, which makes it no more necessary to execute a program in
order to infringe on a given patent. This would "not only be fatal for
open source" but also for many successful websites. The clause in article
52 of the European Patent Convention, which stated that a program "as such"
must not fall under governmental monopoly protection, would then finally
become void.

Markus Beckedahl, Member of the "Gruene Jugend" reminded of the fact that
"three-quarters of the 30,000 illegaly issued patents in Europe do not
originate from European companies" and thus the use for the European industry
is more than questionable. Finally Robert Leisner of attac condemned software
patents, since they would represent nothing else then "another piece in the
mosaic towards aggreviated copyrights". Further demonstrations[1] took place
in Munich, Lisbon and Vienna yesterday.
On today's Thursday, more events in Linz, Copenhagen and Madrid follow.

( Stefan Krempl )/( tol /c't)

.... This is goooood news!

Elmar Hucko is really at a position to tell something like this and have
it executed!



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