Hi, I vaguely remember there was some interest about functional programming and OCaml (http://caml.inria.org/, http://www.ocaml.org/) in Enosig. Maybe I could do a by-example intro to functional programming and OCaml during the next meeting. Is there any interest for that? The example I intend to use is SpamOracle, a bayesian spam filter implementing the (now famous) idea of Paul Graham's "A Plan for Spam". It is written by one of the main Caml compiler developer and current release manager of the ocaml toolchain, so it can be presumed to have good "camly" programming style. I'd particularly like to contrast SpamOracle with a C implementation of the same idea, bogofilter. The difference in size, clarity, ease of understanding of the source code is IMHO quite stunning. As an "hands-on" project, we could start to improve SpamOracle, implement the various tweakings of the algorithm (like the one by Gary Robinson), etc. "start" is maybe not the good choice, let's say "continue together", as I already started on it. So is there interest for this? Should I prepare something. (This would obviously not happen all during the next meeting, but we'd get started during the next meeting, and could continue on a mailing list, for example)
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