Hi, (Verkorte) Nederlands tekst na het engels. About our {bi,}monthly meetings, I'm having a serious issue for the location we have been using until now (Café de Groot). To me, it seems the primary purpose of our meetings is chatting. This is completely destroyed by the howling musing in there. The last meeting was the straw that breaks the camel's back (And no, I'm not trying to pass an hidden advertisement for my favourite programming language here ;) ). Listening to the conversation requires real concentration, and the shouting we have to do to get our point across... well, you get the idea. (And don't get me started on the state of my clothes and hair when coming back... Cigarette smoke is unforgiving) So I seriously suggest we search ... no, I push for our searching of a new place for the meetings. If you want an "external" place like a restaurant / café / pub, fine with me, but it *must* be relatively noise-free, and if possible not too smoky (but that is my personal preference. I don't remember anyone of you smoking, so you would agree with me?) But it can be my home, too. Or another member's home. If it were to be my home: - It is on Amundsenlaan, near the university / Europalaan / Onze lieve vrouw{laan,straat,whatever} / Montgomerylaan, Woensel. - It is in a residential area, but I don't expect this to be a problem, as we don't plan to play hard-trash music at peak volume the whole night. - It has decent car and bike parking possibilities. - The typical attendance to the meetings was below 10 persons. I can accommodate that, and a bit more if you bring additional chairs (and tables, if a lot more than that), or I come to fetch them at your place. - This means people would have to choose what to drink beforehand, so that it is available. My stocks of alcoholics and junk food are infinitesimal (in scale with my personal consumption). Solutions for beverages include: - Everyone brings something - I get a list and buy it from the supermarket beforehand - We setup a formal system of "enosig-bought" beverages, from an "account" fueled by member's donations, for use for the meetings. I think it is overkill, and don't expect me to be involved in that (beyond providing storage space). - I need a few days notice (Not a problem, most members do, simply for coming) at the very least. - I don't remember anyone of you smoking. Is there anyone who would insist on smoking? A lot? Waiting for your reactions, ========================================================= Ik ben niet blij met Café de Groot voor onze bijeenkomsten. Te veel lawaai (muziek), en sigaret rook. We komen bijeen om te spreken en het lawaai maakt dit veel te moeilijk. We moeten een andere plek zoeken. Een stille café / restaurant / pub is goed voor mij, maar het kan ook mijn appartement zijn: - Goede parkeermogelikheden. - Amundsenlaan, vlak bij TU/e, / Europalaan / Onze lieve vrouw{laan,straat,weet ik veel} / Montgomerylaan, in Woensel. - Ik heb buren, maar dit zou geen probleem zijn, we doen geen techno-party. - Er was nooit meer dan een tiental personen. Voor meer dan dit, heb ik meer stoelen (en tafel(s) voor veel meer) nodig. - Voor de drinks zou het moeilijker, maar wel goedkoper, dan in een Café zijn: Ik heb geen stock, keuzen wat daar moet zijn kan niet op de plek - Ik moet mijn troep opruimen... Zo moet ik het een paar dagen voor het datum weeten. - Is er iemand die absoluut *moet* roken? Veel? Wat denk je daarvan? ========================================================= (Pfou, the only word I couldn't find is "drinks". Anyone wishing to educate me? Drinkgoederen? My spell-checker accepts it... But sounds non-colloquial to me)
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