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Re: YaST licence

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 06:42:50PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 09:09:12PM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> > some pgp encrypted stuff

> (En, overigens: ik geloof dat de SuSE mensen er goed in slagen
> GNU/Linux onder bredere lagen van de bevolking te verspreiden; in
> die zin zijn die mensen dus erg goed bezig, imho.)

Ja, maar ze verspreiden GNU/Linux met een corruptie van het geest van
GNU. Ze zeggen "belangrijke programma's in het systeem niet vrij kan


(free translation by Lionel of JoostvB-talk)

> OTOH, they are doing a good job of spreading GNU/Linux to more
> people

Yes, but the manner they are doing it is corrupting the very soul of
the GNU. They send the message "after all, key components of the OS
are still non-free, and this is OK".

> -- 
> Please do not ask about licensing issues for Darwin. They always
> degrade into religious name calling flame wars and nothing will
> come of it. There are forums set aside for licensing flame wars,
> please go post your thoughts there.
>                                       http://darwinfo.org/faq.shtml

You won't have me believe this is a random quote. (And what they say
on the GPL is obviously utter FUD, but that's another story)

Ik kan niet geloven dat dit en random quote is! (En wat ze zeggen over
de GPL is FUD, maar dit is iets anders)

<<inline: application/pgp-signature>>



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